New Year: 1990 (H02)
Mileage: 91,000 k
Vehicle inspection: Inspection maintenance installation
Repair history: None
Recycling fee: 6,920 yen
Maintenance costs when delivery: Yen
Previous user inspection and maintenance record book: None
Previous user application: Private car
Guarantee: None
Regular inspection and maintenance: at the time of delivery
Remodeling/Tuning Contents: External Aero External Retra Cover (Right) WORK16INCAW TEIN P harmonic HKS Muffler Outside Blowoff MOMO Steering Outside Shift Knob etc.
Exterior color: red
Model: E-FC3S
Grade: GT-R
Riding capacity: 4
Displacement: 1300cc
Handle: Right
Body type: Coupe
Fuel: Gasoline
Shift: 5mt
Driving method: 2WD
Equipment specifications
Air conditioner, power steering, power wind, aluminum wheels, etc.