The year: 2005 (H17)
Mileage: 62,000 k
Vehicle inspection: Ordians June 66
Repair history: None
Recycling fee:
Maintenance cost when delivery: None
Previous user inspection and maintenance record book: None
Previous user application: Private car
Guarantee: None
Regular inspection and maintenance: None
Remodeling/Tuning Contents: Weds Sports 18 -inch AW Fujitsubomuffor Nismaria Spoiler
Exterior color: Pearl
Model: CBA-Z33
Grade: Bass
Riding capacity: 2
Dematles: 3500cc
Handle: Right
Body type: Coupe
Fuel: Gasoline
Shift: 6mt
Driving method: 2WD
Equipment specifications
Air conditioner, power steering, power wind, ABS, keyless, passenger seat airbag, aluminum wheel, etc.
Fairlady Z of affordable price range has arrived!
Because it is a light custom, it is a recommended one for the first MT vehicle!